"Financial Football"

I saw this featured in an eSchoolNews article. It’s an interesting partnership between the New York Comptroller, Visa and the NFL. All of the details are in this press release. …

OET webcast equipment

Each month, our staff travels to a different school district to conduct a webcast. They share information with school districts about any number of technology topics. I regularly get asked …


Sometimes the easiest tools are the most useful. I’m not sure if that’s the case here, but Wallwisher is an easy tool that some school districts might find useful. It’s …

Working with photos in Office 2007

At a regional meeting, we were recently shown some of the photo editing features included with Office 2007. The entire set isn’t available in ‘compatibility mode’, so you’d want to …


I had never heard of Kace or a “KBOX” deployment appliance before today. I haven’t seen one in person, but I watched the demo and talked to one district about …


A quick mention for NMap, which is a simple but powerful tool that can be used to scan a host or network. How would a CIO use it? * What …