Willful Destruction of Technology

This is my latest pet peeve. I’ve had several conversations in recent months with CIOs and technicians about this topic. It doesn’t happen everywhere, but willful destruction of technology seems …

Technology Planning

This is a hot topic with school districts and it’s a burdensome one to say the least. At some point, perhaps I’ll address the larger debate of what a strong …


A tweet led me to this site. SimScience is a product of a National Science Federation project between departments at Cornell and Syracuse (and perhaps others). It isn’t a particularly …

A few points about "in line" filters

Our region has been talking about Internet filtering/monitoring quite a bit recently. Some vendors have proposed hardware solutions that are “in line”, essentially forcing all traffic through the hardware appliance. …

More broadband talk…

I blogged months ago about the $7.2B in ARRA ‘stimulus’ funding to expand broadband connectivity around the country. I wanted to touch on another recent development. The FCC is asking …