There’s been a ton of discussion and work recently on _____-Based Learning (pronounced “blank-based” learning). I say it that way because some folks are focused on one or more of the below implementations and core learning strategies. Some folks are getting hung up on the terminology… I say we keep our eye on the ball. And no matter what we call it, we continue to focus on different learning experiences for our students.
- Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
- Challenge-Based Learning (CBL)
- Standards-Based Learning (SBL)
- Performance-Based Learning (PBL)
- UPDATE: Passion-Based Learning (PBL)
As you can see, it gets a little difficult to differentiate the acronym and the vision for the type of learning experiences. The really BIG deal as that all of these approaches are really about changing the learning experiences. Below are a few resources on the different ________ and some key points to implementation.
Project Based Learning
The Buck Institute for Education, High Tech High, and The University of KY’s P20 Innovation labs and CASTL have some really good resources for this type of PBL. A good start is: What PBL isn’t
Problem Based Learning (search links)
The main point here is that some people/teachers/leaders get side tracked with the word “project.” It throws them off. Hence the video above for what “project based learning is not.” Both Problem and Project Based learning is all about the main course not the dessert. The actual problem or project IS the learning experience, it’s not what happens after you’ve learned. The presentation of learning happens at the end… when sharing with others about your learning experience. Here is a video resource on Problem-Based learning (the actual video it’s kind of – very lame…).
Challenge-Based Learning
Really good stuff here… It’s a little bit different approach. This movement has some big sponsors like Apple Inc. Here are some great links and resources. I like the focus on challenging learners with critical thinking and creativity.
Standards-Based Learning
This stems from all of the work being done on standards based reporting and the common core – or core academic standards. SBL doesn’t really fit into the categories or similarities of the above three… but it certainly does fit into the conversation of ______-Based Learning, especially if it becomes a focus at a school or district level.
Some quick take-aways with _____-Based Learning:
- most people/students don’t have the skills set or will. You have to develop to have successful PBL.
- Project/problem/challenge Based Learning is the ultimate differentiating machine.
- stay small, model, – teacher has to actually do the project/problem/challenge first
- method for facilitation, intervention, partners
- most people believe that “either you have control, or you don’t” … However, there’s so much more in between – we need to embrace it.
- These models promote Collaborative Structures