QR Codes – Why do we care?


Over the past year and some change there has been a ton of buzz, especially in the Edu-space, trying to find uses for QR codes. I originally checked the technology out and liked it. For some reason, it didn’t really knock my socks off. It might have been the clunky QR code reader I tried.

Last night, I gave it another try. I still like the idea, but now I’m starting to get excited about the uses for learning activities.

To me, there is a digital gaming element, it can be interactive, and it can add some amazing creativity for students and teachers. Talk about some “easter eggs.”  I’m looking for more folks that want to engage in classroom activities.  Let me know if you are in.

Here are some pretty good articles on QR Codes being used in schools:

Here are some online QR code generators: They are really easy.

Best QR Code readers for Smart Phones:

2 thoughts on “QR Codes – Why do we care?

  1. Jaime Lassman

    I think the technology is interesting, but I’m not yet seeing the educational connection unless the goal of the lesson is use of technology or just to do something novel. For instance, I can see placing a QR code on a website, on a handout, inside a book, or posted on campus somewhere, and I can imagine students scanning these codes to get clues or to learn more information. The problem is, I can also imagine the same messages being distributed in printed text. So the question would be, what is the benefit of using the WR codes? It seems the purpose would be use of technology for the sake of using technology. This activity would be a great use of technology if the goal of the lesson were to promote student use of handheld devices.

    I’m interested to see how this tool can extend learning or add a layer to the lesson or activity that is not solely based use of handheld devices.

  2. Marty Post author

    I was in the same place as you on this for a while. But I think we have to be more creative. I know you are Lassman. Maybe we are around too many folks that make statements like “we’re just using technology for technology sake.” Let me ask you this: Have you ever been handed a piece of paper with a long URL on it and wanted to just click it? So you have some choices, 1) either go type it out on your smart phone (that takes a while), 2) Google search the subject/ title and hope it lands (that works about 70% of time maybe), or 3). quickly scan a supplied QR code on the same paper and bounce directly to the intended website, done. Who wants to type a URL out in a mobile browser, when you can take a picture or scan an image and jump right to it? I found the below websites to be helpful. Again, I’m not saying these honestly shaped images are the silver bullet by any means… Just might be a little more interesting than I had originally thought.


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